From advanced guide to content marketing[1]
Chapter 1: Build a strong foundation
New marketing is about the relationships, not the medium
Ben Grossman
What is it?
- A Strategy
- Production and publishing of information
- Builds trust and authority between ideal customers
- Helps Relationship building
- Grants Recognition as a thought leader
- No hard sells, but drives sales
1) Create a simple document
Write Decisions > How to structure and manage your CM efforts
Name Content Plan [year]
Create a channel plan table with these headers
Content Types, Channel, Objective, Structure, Frequency, Tone, Desired Action, URL
- Underneath, create a core message table
Item, Message/Topic, Summary/Topic
Target Audience, Mission Statement, Core Message or Question, Secondary Messages
- Underneath, create a business objectives table
Business Objectives, Business Impact, Benchmark, 1st Quarter Results, 2nd Quarter Results, 3rd Quarter Results, 4th Quarter Results
or get the template here or edit online