César D. Velandia


What are you doing now? It's a simple but powerful idea. Find here a list of things that keep me busy at the moment.

☀️Currently solving for: Adaptability Fulfillment

Understanding this new reality we all live in. Traveling was an important part of life and career for me. Currently in Asia working as a software & technology consultant while running a few personal and professional projects on the side. Stay tuned!

  • Learning as much as possible about Cloud & Serverless, Data analytics, Enterprise consulting, applied Machine Learning through self-directed learning and experimentation — love what I do! 🧑‍💻

  • As a consequence of the pandemic I decided to pause some business ideas, memberships, and training and focus on my technical skills. Deep work and studying emerging technologies have been a great relief from all the turmoil in 2020. I've done plenty of training and even acquired a few professional certifications along the road. Also determined to connect virtually with the tech community as much as I can.

  • Reading for fun has been reduced from my schedule drastically, I still consume technical books often and consume video lectures, seminars, and tutorials quite often.

  • Working on maintaining and developing healthy life-long habits. The first half of the year I was a little scattered and all the public venue restrictions had an impact on my health, but I've recovered and feel good, my diet could be better but I'm maintaining a stable weight.

  • Spending quality time with my close family💃 and traveling in their company whenever there is a chance. Stay in constant touch with my not-so-close family and friends in these difficult times.

  • Attending network building and professional events. I'd like to engage with energetic, positive, and driven people from many different backgrounds.

  • Become a consistent weightlifter 🏋️(3x week), after a hiatus this year I'm back to the gym and re-learning the basics.

  • Keep learning 🀄zh-Hant at my own pace.

  • 🚀 I'm currently available for consulting on Cloud infrastructure, technology projects, software architecture, Machine Learning, and Startups (SaaS or Marketplaces).

More about me

Last update: October 8, 2020

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